Monday, June 22, 2009

"I Hate the National Anthem", Says Thandiswa

Wow what a statement. Afro-Pop singer Thandiswa Mazwai raised eyebrows when she told friends on the social networking site Facebook that "she hates the national anthem". 

Further more she said she was "put on the spot" by a friend who asked her to sing the afrikaans version of the national anthem "Die Stem" at the event.

 It is alledged that she wrote the following on her facebook: "I hate this f***ing national anthem. How can it be that the anthem and prayer for Africa is now so blatantly joined with the anthem which systematically raped this land and its people of all its value and pride? How do we join these two songs and then sing them with such fake pride in this supposed new South Africa? I can’t.”

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